May 5, 2010


Its such a funny feeling arriving in a foreign country by boat rather than by plane.

I mean when you pack your suitcase, go to the airport, pass through security and strap yourself into am airplane you are expecting to touch down somewhere new in a short amount of time. However, what takes a plane seven hours took us 15 days, and since we were moving (relative to an airplane) quite slow I was not really thinking about the destination, only focusing on the journey. I am in Europe now, not the Caribbean! No, it has not hit me quite yet.

The weather here though is absolutely dreadful! The last night at sea a random gale picked up out of nowhere and it was blowing 30 knots right on our bow. Big waves were washing over the decks, and the next morning when we docked in Viareggio there were dozens of little Portuguese Man of War jellyfish ALL over the boat! We all had to be very careful where we stepped, not knowing how long they retain their deadly stings after they die! Its been raining non stop, and to tell you the truth I am almost missing the sun and bright blue waters of the Caribbean. Change is good though.

However I don’t have too much time to sit and dwell on life changes or much else for that matter, we arrived and went straight into overdrive getting the boat ready to pull out of the water. This marina we are in is the shipyard where hundreds of famous yachts are built every year, and everywhere there are shipwrights and designers and fabricators of every sort. All smoking and blabbering in Italian of course! I am exhausted and need a morning off so I can sleep in as long as I want, maybe an afternoon away from the boat to recharge my batteries, but no rest until this weekend!

I just finished my workday and am off to go for a run along the seafront... and then if I feel particularly courageous I might even attempt a Yoga class in Italian. We'll see!