May 21, 2010

Onto the next thing!
Two days ago I was in Viareggio on a late night bicycle adventure with some random hot man I met in a bar. 24 hours ago I was in Rome, staying in the fanciest hotel room I have ever been in before and pulling an (almost) all-nighter out dancing at clubs with a bunch of strangers. Now I am in Monaco on a brand new boat with a brand new crew, getting ready to leave early in the morning for a charter in Corfu, Greece.

Stability is overrated. My life sure does change quick, and I absolutely love it.

Its my first time in France, I had only ever been to the airport in Paris before and that does not really count. Today flying from Rome to Nice I realized how good at traveling I have become. I can easily carry everything I own, the cumbersome and useless things have gradually been weeded out and dropped along the wayside... I know my way around airports and train stations and can pretty much communicate my basic needs in Italian, Spanish and French. I dont want to sound like I am bragging too much, but its just funny to think about the girl I was four years ago when I first left home to travel. I was completely clueless on how the rest of the world worked! I remember when I first went to Italy in 2006 to study I was amazed at how different everything was from my home; how people lived in smaller houses with less things, how some drove tiny cars and most rode bikes and how you couldnt just walk into a shop at 3am and buy whatever you wanted. Last night we were in a bar in Rome completely packed with young, drunk, American university students, celebrating the end of their studies. I had to laugh, it was like looking back in time! Funny though, as an American I have gotten SO much shit about my nationality in the last few years, and although we as a culture have many faults for sure, we are also just about the friendliest people you can find. You can walk up to a group of Americans, it does not matter their age or gender and simply say "Hi" and be instantly welcomed into the conversation! I love that about Americans.

But now I am utterly exhausted, and although this charter will be good money and a chance to see Greece (even if it is just the view from the porthole) I am not looking forward to it. Very high standard of service on this boat, just about the highest you can get actually, and this week is going to be very full on. The one very good thing about it though, is it puts off me making any real life decisions for another 10 days or so!