May 17, 2010

23 Years Old

Where in the world did the last year go? The last ten?! Honestly it feels like a very short time ago that I had just turned 13 and was a teenager at last, and now I am in my twenties! Jeez. I know its stupid but I am almost feeling old! The last three years especially have just flown by... 23, me?! Are you sure?

It was such a lovely, mellow birthday. A long stroll down the sunny boardwalk in Viareggio with a girlfriend of mine, window shopping and people watching and eating gelato. Then a drive up into the mountains surrounding this little coastal town with a few friends, exploring the countryside in the tiniest little car I have ever seen! We found this amazing old village about halfway to Florence that had an amazing farmers market, fresh cheeses and meats and all sorts of veggies, cakes and cookies and roasting nuts... We got a table in the Piazza and drank a few coffees and a few glasses of vino, just laughing and watching the world go by. All in all, not a bad day at all.

In three days I will not have smoked in one year. I am so proud of myself, I followed through with it and did not cheat once, no matter how badly I wanted one. It was the first time I have really set my mind to doing something that was going to be that difficult, and now that I have gone a year, I have proved to myself that with a little willpower I can really do anything!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...